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Services. How it works?

- You contact us, our manager gives you professional consultation

- Our designers, installers and managers investigate your facility

- Photographers shoot the facility for further work

- Designers draw up a draft for future lighting

- You can choose from a conceptual design or video presentation

- We make an accurate calculation of the project cost and sign a contract

- Production and supply of LED lighting system and its components

- Equipment installation and commissioning

- Execution of an order

Agibaeva Diana
Agibaeva Diana
Nuketaev Arslan
Nuketaev Arslan


Мечеть расположена в районе пересечения улиц Гете, Ы.Алтынсарина и И.Кутпанова, была построена в 2019 году, в старом районе города.

В данном проекте мы применили прожекторное освещение монохромного неуправляемого типа, в сочетании тепло-белого света. Архитектурное освещение мечети позволяет в ночное время суток подчеркнуть оригинальную архитектуру здания, при этом сохранив эстетику и ярко выделив мечеть на фоне соседствующих зданий.

Базис- А

New mosque in Astana

The mosque was built in 2019 and is currently located at the intersection of Goethe, Y. Altynsarin and I. Kutpanov streets, in the old district of the city. In this project we used a monochrome uncontrolled floodlight in combination with a warm white light. The architectural lighting of the mosque allows to emphasize the original building architecture at night, but at the same time maintains the aesthetics and shines out amid the neighboring buildings.


Нукетаев Арслан
Нукетаев Арслан
Агибаева Диана
Агибаева Диана


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